"have a conversation"是最常见的搭配之一。这个短语简单明了,适用于各种场合,无论是正式的商务会议,还是轻松的日常闲聊。例如,"I need to have a conversation with my boss about the project deadline." 这句话清晰地表达了与上司讨论项目截止时间的意图。
"start a conversation"也是一个常用的搭配。这个短语通常用于描述发起对话的行为。例如,"She started a conversation by asking about my weekend plans." 这里,"start a conversation"准确地传达了主动开启对话的意图。
"continue the conversation"则适用于对话已经进行但需要进一步深入的情况。例如,"We decided to continue the conversation over lunch." 这句话表明对话将在午餐时继续进行,强调了对话的延续性。
"end the conversation"是另一个重要的搭配,用于描述对话的结束。例如,"He ended the conversation abruptly when his phone rang." 这里,"end the conversation"准确地表达了对话因电话铃声而突然终止的情况。
"hold a conversation"则强调了对话的进行,通常用于正式场合。例如,"The ambassador held a conversation with the local leaders about trade agreements." 这句话表明大使与当地领导人就贸易协定进行了正式对话。
"join the conversation"用于描述加入已经进行的对话。例如,"She joined the conversation midway and quickly caught up with the topic." 这里,"join the conversation"准确地表达了中途加入对话并迅速跟上话题的行为。
"steer the conversation"则用于描述引导对话方向的行为。例如,"He tried to steer the conversation back to the main topic." 这句话表明他试图将对话引导回主要话题。
"spark a conversation"用于描述引发对话的行为,通常指通过某个话题或事件引发讨论。例如,"Her controversial comment sparked a conversation among the group." 这里,"spark a conversation"准确地表达了她的评论引发了小组内的讨论。
"fuel the conversation"则用于描述为对话增添动力或内容的行为。例如,"His anecdotes fueled the conversation and kept everyone engaged." 这句话表明他的轶事为对话增添了内容,使每个人都保持参与。
"deepen the conversation"用于描述使对话更加深入的行为。例如,"They decided to deepen the conversation by exploring each other's perspectives." 这里,"deepen the conversation"准确地表达了他们决定通过探讨彼此的观点来深化对话。